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How should torsion springs avoid unnecessary problems

Date of release:2019-07-01 00:00:00 Author: Click:

Torsion springs are actually helical springs. They are usually compact, but have a pitch between the rings to reduce friction. They create resistance to rotation or the external forces of rotation. According to the application requirements, design the torque spring rotation (clockwise or counterclockwise), so as to determine the spring rotation. So how do you avoid the problem of improper use of torsion springs? Let's find out.


1, the use of pressure more than a large amount of torsion, resulting in damage, close to the use of dense growth, will make the spring line gradually dense so, because the spring fixed number becomes high, resulting in a high load curve, close to the production of high stress spring fracture.

2, no pre-torsion of the use of spring because there is a gap between the spring up and down vibration resulting in spring distortion, such as the pre-torsion, the spring is more stable.

3. When the spring is used horizontally, the guide pin and the spring will be worn and broken.

4, the use of no spring guide, such as in the case of dance spring guide, it is easy to cause the bottom of the spring and the body of the distortion, the distortion of the local high pressure is the cause of the spring fracture, please be sure to use the inside diameter guide pin or outside diameter guide device.

5. When the flatness of the assembly surface is bad, the parallelism of the assembly surface is bad, resulting in spring distortion and local high pressure fracture; when the parallelism is bad, spring distortion is caused and spring fracture is caused by more than 300,000 times of use. Please improve the parallelism of the assembly surface under the condition of no more than 300,000 cycles of use.

6, about torsion spring inner diameter and guide pin and guide pin clearance is too small, will cause the collision of the inner diameter wear, its wear is the main cause of spring fracture, on the contrary, if too much assembly will cause spring distortion and fracture, the better between the spring inner diameter of about -1.0mm. And long free spring (free length/outside diameter greater than 4) please use step or guide pin to avoid collision with guide pin when the spring body is twisted.

7, the outside diameter of the spring and countersunk head hole countersunk head hole and spring gap head is too small, because of spring compression will cause the outside expansion and countersunk head hole friction caused by force concentrated fracture, the better countersunk head aperture is the spring outside diameter +1.5mm. Free long springs with countersunk head hole shape.

8. If the length of guide pin and the depth of countersunk hole are too short for a short time, the guide pin head and the spring will be worn and broken. The ideal length of guide pin is set to be more than 1/2 of the length of the spring, and the chamfering Angle of C3 should be inverted.

9. When changing the square or using a spring, the force on the spring is twisted so that the inner ring spring is inserted into the outer ring (or the outer ring is inserted into the inner ring), resulting in fracture.

10. The use of series springs in series mode causes the spring to bend and exceed the length of the guide pin or countersunk hole, thereby causing a fracture of the same cause, and a slight difference in the load of the spring itself leads to a larger torsional surface fracture than that of the weak.

11, debris, foreign body inclusion when the use of foreign body inclusion part will cause no effect on the effective part of the other parts of the compression, the effective volume of the essence of the reduction of the near surface to cause high stress and fracture, do not include foreign body in the spring.

The address of this article:http://en.afthcn.com/news/468.html

Key word:拉伸弹簧厂家,扭转弹簧厂家,异形弹簧厂家

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